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Mango and Ginger Knickerbocker Glory

White Stilton Knickerbocker Glory

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About this recipe

An ice cream sundae for grown-ups. Indulge your inner child with this 1950s-style dessert which combines sweet fresh mango with syrupy stem ginger and crumbly cheese.


  • Small tub of Vanilla Ice cream
  • 200ml of Whipping Cream
  • 200g White Stilton with Mango and Ginger, crumbed
  • 50g stemmed ginger
  • 100g ginger biscuits, crumbed
  • 1 Fresh Mango, peeled and diced


Serves 4


  1. Lightly whisk the cream and gently fold in the crumbled White Stilton with Mango and Ginger.
  2. Place a small amount of chopped fresh mango and stemmed ginger pieces into the base of the sundae dish. Spoon over some ginger syrup.
  3. Place a couple of spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream into the glasses
  4. Top with a crushed ginger biscuits.
  5. Add another layer of mango and ginger pieces to the sundae.
  6. Pipe cheese and cream mix on top of the fruit layer.
  7. Decorate with crushed ginger biscuits